How to Share Information with the Inside-Out Network
Inside-Out educators and facilitators are part of a global movement. As we do our work, we accumulate knowledge and expertise. We impact lives and plant seeds for social change. The Inside-Out Center invites you to collaborate with the broader network by sharing the following data and resources each semester/term that you teach a course. Scroll down to view Inside-Out by the numbers.
Submit basic info about your course, i.e. correctional facility, course title, # of students, etc., by filling out the form to the right. You can even submit information from the past.
Invite your students to submit their names and contact information HERE. You may also email a list of your students’ information as long as you have their consent. We would like to collect both inside and outside student contact info for the purposes of sharing Inside-Out news and possible alumni activities.
Submit your syllabus and other relevant course documents to the Resource Community Team. Inside-Out staff or volunteers will then upload them to our resource collection.
To view and share updates about your institution’s policy on offering credit to inside students, visit our Higher Education Partnerships page.