Higher Education Institutions: A Guide for Partnerships
On this page, there are links to resources (more coming) that can help you to introduce the Inside-Out program to your colleges and universities. Stakeholder table.doc
Getting Permission to Teach a Course
Be sure to stay in contact with your state or regional coordinator, who can help you determine the best correctional facilities to approach about offering an Inside-Out class.
Inside Students: Credit or No Credit?
Approximately half of Inside-Out courses taught around the world offer credit to incarcerated or "inside" students. However, even if participating colleges and universities are unable to offer credit to inside students, Inside-Out courses are still beneficial to incarcerated individuals. Inside-Out courses often serve as a gateway to further education because they ignite enthusiasm for learning. These highly interactive, discussion-based courses tend to attract and motivate students who are often turned off by traditional, lecture-based models of education. There are numerous examples of Inside-Out courses inspiring incarcerated individuals to enroll in programs to pursue their degrees. It should also be noted that, in many cases, inside students may not be eligible to receive credit because they do not have a G.E.D. or high school diploma. Even without credit, Inside-Out courses can make an important difference in people's lives.
Promotional resources that may be helpful in sharing with officials and colleges/universities.
This page includes resources that may be helpful for you to promote Inside-Out in your home institutions.
Inside-Out By the Numbers Infographic - number of prisons, universities, and Inside-Out educators around the world.
Additionally, there are several pages on our public website that may be useful for you promote Inside-Out.
There are several podcast episodes, which feature interviews with Inside-Out educators and students.
Map and list of correctional facilities that have offered Inside-Out courses.
Map and list of colleges and universities that have sponsored Inside-Out courses.
Photos that can be used to promote you Inside-Out Program. (Coming soon)